(lines 423-425) Compare that extravagant language to the rest of his speech during their duel.
I began to understand why the divers used such extravagant language.
He claimed that social pamphleteering is dependent on extravagant language.
The literary term for extravagant, exaggerated language like this is "hyperbole."
"Well, this is very nice," she said, which for her is extravagant language.
Often Hyland was given to extravagant and vituperative language.
If Muench can rein in her extravagant language rather than allow it to run away with her, the results might be even more spectacular.
His days as a Radio 1 DJ are now firmly behind him, but he still likes to trade in extravagant language.
They do not make language extravagant enough for what will happen this weekend in the Swamp.
But in truth there is a sort of lucidity proper to extravagant language, and the great man was not offended.