Ms. Zhingri said her family had made a decent but not extravagant living.
In 1967, Price was declared bankrupt; he attributed his financial distress to "extravagant living and most inadequate gambling".
His extravagant living soon forced him into debtor's prison in 1742,Holland, p. 382 .
The parable continues by describing how the younger son travels to a distant country and wastes all his money in extravagant living.
Grayson, in particular, had almost drunk the well dry as his gambling and extravagant living meant Rosemary was constantly bailing him out.
This led to massive corruption and extravagant living by the nobles, while the poor went without government assistance.
Hughes lost enormous sums through gambling and extravagant living, and his finances became chaotic.
This extravagant living forced him to declare bankruptcy in November 1866.
His extravagant living soon forced him into debtor's prison in 1742, and friends encouraged Foote's going onto the stage to make a living.
Burden was a non-smoker and no lover of extravagant living, but he knew from doing his wife's weekend shopping what a little way three pounds went.