He commissioned the construction of two extravagant palaces and a castle, the most famous being Neuschwanstein, and was a devoted patron of the composer Richard Wagner.
The Tagores built a number of extravagant palaces in Kolkata and elsewhere.
President Hussein has run up large construction costs on extravagant palaces and monuments to himself, and the Iraqi people have suffered from a shortage of food and medicine.
And not just his home: Puig i Cadafalch's Casaramona textile plant - now the CaixaForum museum of contemporary art - looks more like some extravagant fortified palace.
Several reasons have been suggested for the creation of the extravagant and stately palace, as well as the relocation of the monarchy's seat.
At another extravagant palace here, Cecilienhof, the Allied powers held their historic talks about the shape of Europe after World War II.
In Chang'an, extravagant palaces and temples were interspersed with markets stocked with exotica from as far away as Byzantium.
It collapsed due to Sui Emperor Yang's costly attempt to relocate the capital from Chang'an to Luoyang and the construction of many extravagant palaces there.
During the occupation after World War II, Soviet soldiers resided in the extravagant palace.
But I see an extravagant palace that might afford us lodgings!