Will consumers get accustomed to these extravagant styles?
Once positioned, the flooring permitted everything from children's parties to grand balls in the most extravagant style.
We all know frames of mirrors or rococo pictures which are decorated in an asymmetrical and extravagant style.
The building reflects the extravagant style of the period with a booming economy due to the Victorian gold rush.
He soon won over the City fans, not just by scoring his first goal but with his extravagant style of play.
Most members of the audience took the simpler dresses in the show more seriously than the extravagant styles.
His language was marked by the extravagant style of 16th-century Italian Marinism.
Mehrgān was celebrated in an extravagant style at Persepolis.
The painting is a fine example of Rubens's extravagant Baroque style.
He was off in an instant in his most extravagant style.