Anyhow, the two of them had a vantage point for which many other people would have paid extravagant sums.
It had seemed an extravagant sum then, but it was a small one compared to seven cards.
Wizard had ridden it once, for the extravagant sum of sixty cents.
Many on Wall Street, of course, are not making extravagant sums.
He paid an extravagant sum for her, to be sure.
The Fisher Center cost $62 million, or just under $580 a square foot, not an extravagant sum for a building of this size and complexity.
Since Hollywood's golden days in the 1930's and 1940's, writers have often earned extravagant sums but little respect.
He alternated between adding an extravagant sum to the check and glancing at her face.
A trailer was purchased for the extravagant sum of $:45.
Top-dollar tickets were $9.50, an extravagant sum in 1974.