Later it continues, "But Bret Schundler's pushing an extreme agenda."
But, she added, "this new fund-raising record is also due in large part to George W. Bush and the extreme Republican agenda."
What remains are true believers who are isolated from the political mainstream and committed to an extreme anti-Government agenda.
"9/11 gave the Bush people carte blanche to carry out their extreme agenda - and they didn't hesitate for a moment to use it," Reagan said.
In turn, the League would finance other groups with openly more extreme agendas.
This extreme regulatory agenda must be stopped in its tracks -and that's exactly what H.R. 910 would do.
The Republican Congress is pushing an extreme anti-environmental agenda.
"That's the way they thought it worked when they took it over, so they had a very extreme agenda."
He doesn't come to the floor with an extreme agenda.
Once again, Parliament has acted as a mere sounding board for the most extreme agendas.