The Chinese reacted with extreme anger at the Portuguese invasion of its ally.
The popular mood here is one of extreme anger that the group has provoked a conflict Lebanon cannot win.
Simply being made to wait, for example, could be viewed as a rejection and met with extreme anger and hostility.
Xavier caught fleeting feelings of fear, panic, and extreme anger.
She has a hidden magic power, but it only emerges when she is moved to extreme anger.
When Lord Shiva came to know about her wife's death, there were no boundaries of his extreme anger.
The terrorist knew that the quiet tone was a sign of extreme anger.
Thus they have always tried to exploit emotive symbols and moments of extreme national anger to get support for their agenda.
Most French swear words can be combined into more powerful combinations to express extreme anger or disgust.
I was aware my head was sinking dangerously close to the flat position of extreme anger.