Their whole life was one of extreme austerity.
Despite his extreme austerity, he was engaged in a dispute with local monks, who wanted him to enter their monastery.
It must be distinct from the coalition's push for extreme austerity without neglecting voter anxiety about the state of the public finances.
Now, due to our extreme austerity, we grow least while unemployment and inflation rise fastest.
This is a fine distraction from the real cause of our worsening economic crisis - this government's extreme austerity choking demand.
Or perhaps their extreme austerity is too close to a parody of the Dia house style to escape cancellation by the pure white gallery spaces.
In both villages was notable for its extreme austerity, his catechesis of children and the poorest service.
The early Grandmontines were noted for their extreme austerity.
With the monochrome canvases they painted during the early 50's, each in his own way arrived at an imagery of extreme austerity.
The Deobandi creed, based in India, exalted extreme austerity and the subjugation of women.