At various times, he has expressed extreme disgust for racial prejudice, and counted Joe Robertson as one of his closest friends right up until their personal fall-out during 'Civil War (comic book)'.
Alucard expresses extreme disgust with the vampires he hunts, especially when they kill without purpose.
Dorian has developed a fondness for and flirts incessantly with Klaus, who typically reacts with extreme disgust.
They had tightened the muscles around their mouths in that implication of extreme disgust that only a woman can express.
Justin sniffed, and his face screwed up into an expression of extreme disgust as he regarded the other scout.
He greeted his recall with extreme disgust and returned to France through Abyssinia (Fashoda Incident).
An elderly groom now rode behind her, and she surveyed him with extreme disgust, as she remembered the handsome lad who had once filled that place.
Her face was still twisted into a look of extreme disgust, and her small body was shuddering.
As he waded out a little way with them the two nearest loathers on the lens shied away with expressions of extreme disgust.
"Tell him to take his witness away directly," said my guardian to the clerk, in extreme disgust, "and ask him what he means by bringing such a fellow as that."