"The problem is that the extreme faction within the Republican majority in Congress keeps yanking the debate farther and farther to the right."
In the early 1980s an extreme pro-Soviet faction called "Proletarian" was expelled.
But it quickly evolved into a fight led by the most extreme factions, like Hamas, which is responsible for the largest number of suicide bombings.
Some of their extreme factions are already more than half machine.
When France's socialist parties united in 1905, Hervé led the most extreme faction.
He soon became the head of the extreme anti-Jewish faction within the Integralista party.
Unfortunately, he became the target of extreme factions within the Egyptian military, who wanted Sadat out for making peace with Israel.
Most people don't want to vote for a party that constantly succumbs to extortion from an extreme faction.
Yet it was framed by men who represented the extreme and mainstream factions of 19th-century society in Utah.
Laudwine is the leader of the Piebalds, an extreme faction among the Witted.