The media blasted his "extreme interpretations of Islam", and called him an "older, embittered militant".
An extreme interpretation could be to find all "efficient" or "nondominated" alternatives (which we will define shortly).
Moreover, the two extreme interpretations of the origins of social policies that have been mentioned do not exhaust the range of possibilities.
The answer cannot simply be an extreme interpretation of the company's slogan: "America's Most Convenient Bank."
A group of musicians and town boosters has given the title a ridiculously extreme interpretation, by stretching the performance to 639 years.
To be sure, there have been some important steps away from the most extreme interpretations of the Yoshida doctrine in recent years.
Scrope was anti-anarchist and refused to allow certain extreme interpretations of "natural law" philosophy to lead him to it.
The car was designed by William Towns in an extreme interpretation of the classic 1970s "folded paper" style.
The audience responded by applauding for the least extreme interpretations.