During the revolutionary troubles of 1820-1823 (the "liberal triennium") Carlos was threatened by the extreme radicals, but no attack was made on him.
He accused the anti-Government forces of being "held hostage" by extreme radicals who "do not hesitate in their private gatherings to advocate a violent revolution."
He sat with the extreme radicals.
The Government has said it would screen prisoners and release all but extreme radicals.
Advocated by extreme radicals like Jacques Hébert and Antoine-François Momoro, the Cult of Reason distilled a mixture of largely atheistic views into a humanocentric philosophy.
As a politician he acted with the extreme radicals, yet universal suffrage disgusted him as unreasonable in its principle and dangerous in its results.
Like his father he was a committed teetotaller and an extreme radical.
The French government was by now fully in the grip of the extreme radicals, and Adams shuddered at the thought.
They are governed by extreme radicals.
He took a prominent place among the extreme radicals, and became president of the group of the "Union républicaine."