Her extreme shyness and strange reactions around people have done more harm than good in her goal.
It is believed that this caused extreme shyness and neurotic behaviors with Aron in later life.
But she still suffers from extreme shyness and a fear of the outside world, particularly men.
Pessimism not only has the opposite effect but also seems to be at play in such psychological disorders as extreme shyness and depression.
At one point, worried about her extreme shyness, she asked him if she might see a psychologist.
Although his extreme shyness kept him out of university politics or the media, he worked extensively with the university's Hillel Foundation.
The rigidity of extreme shyness came over her.
Headaches, extreme shyness, marked daydreaming, and leaving home at the age of nineteen.
Duikers are known for their extreme shyness, freezing at the slightest sign of a threat and diving into the nearest bush.
A slender, thin little figure, a very young face, whose entire manner is one of extreme shyness.