"It just tells us there's extreme uncertainty and the folly of trying to forecast prices," he said.
He is a replacement player for the Yankees and his status has fluctuated from certainty to uncertainty to extreme uncertainty.
Some young doctors say the extreme financial uncertainty of research precludes a career in science, particularly when they emerge from training $60,000 in debt.
"At times when you have extreme uncertainty, you're best staying in safe securities," Mrs. Newman said.
However, with either scenario we are going to see chaos and extreme uncertainty.
He left Gibson in a state of extreme uncertainty and confusion, wondering whether he had made a fool of himself or not.
They were able to sail through the initial days of extreme uncertainty and struggle (and even ridicule!)
This task was made even more difficult by the extreme uncertainty which followed the terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September.
On the one hand, many fear extreme uncertainty and a regime which may be looking to prove its continuing strength.
"I have proven inveterately loyal and willing to take grave risks which even could cause my death, only remaining quiet in times of extreme uncertainty."