The greatest difficulty he had to cope with was the extreme variability of the reactions: how could constants be discovered in such inconsistency?
Reed thought this behavior to be an adaptation to the extreme variability in the supply of surface water in the area.
In fact, due to the extreme variability already referred to, it probably does not do the same thing for more than an instant at a time.
Yellow specimens are also not uncommon and its this extreme variability that makes identification on the basis of size or colour uncertain.
This exceedingly erratic flow is due to the extreme variability of precipitation throughout the entire basin.
For moderate to large events, the pattern of peak ground acceleration is typically quite complicated, with extreme variability over distances of a few km.
Because of the extreme variability of the disease, an authoritative and scientifically confirmed set of symptoms does not yet exist.
But the main reason for the lack of agriculture in Australia is the extreme variability of the climate.
They shared the same social defect - seasonal unemployment - and the same natural hazards - extreme variability in yield between bad and normal years.
Due to their extreme infraspecific variability, they are particularly difficult to identify.