First, the sled is slow, extremely bumpy, and hard on the rear end.
The DNR grades it about once a month but that does not stop some areas from getting extremely bumpy and dipped-out.
Alaire groaned, anticipating an extremely bumpy ride.
Most of the roads we traveled on were either extremely bumpy or potholed and muddy.
On the first official day of training on the course, the snow was soft and the conditions became extremely bumpy during the training run.
Forty-five minutes meant travelling at over sixty miles per hour and on unwelded track on a granite roadbed, which was extremely bumpy.
The extremely bumpy and unpredictable track surface of the Nürburgring caused many retirements due to the punishment the fragile cars had to endure while driving through the course.
The descent was extremely bumpy once we hit the atmosphere, but whoever was at the controls knew his or her business.
It is an extremely bumpy ride, swollen with power and speed, and I cling on for dear life against its confused rage.
The first phase of Arab democracy will be extremely bumpy, he warned, with possible attacks on Israel, and crackdowns on women's rights.