Goward said "It was extremely careless on my part and like thousands of other drivers I deeply regret it."
Philip always very cautious, Richard always extremely careless.
She is extremely careless, even losing her wedding ring.
In addition, he contended, the foundation had been "extremely careless with financial matters," a charge for which he offered no evidence.
The desire of the guards to escape overrode their caution and they were getting extremely careless.
Wente herself wrote a column to defend herself against accusations of being a "serial plagiarist" but acknowledged she was "extremely careless".
Likewise that his extremely careless life has made him a very bad subject for it indeed.
While her heart is in the right place, she is extremely careless and clumsy, a flaw which often lands her in trouble.
That was extremely careless.
He had an extremely careless and frivolous expression all the while, as though he were not working, but playing at noughts and crosses.