New housing developments and communities along with shopping centers have increased the population and made traffic extremely congested.
India's cities are extremely congested - the average bus speed is 6-10 km/h in many large cities.
Victoria Road is extremely congested and one of the longest roads in Sydney.
A. We have an extremely congested Northeast transportation system.
Though an extremely congested market it has the benefits of bargaining as its main attraction.
Some of the best results for hybrid buses have been for series hybrids running in extremely congested cities.
At that time tens of thousands of people make the trip to Malongkeng and roads up the mountain become extremely congested.
In this situation, freeway will maintain free flow speed, however alternative route will be extremely congested.
The class B airspace use by the three airports is extremely congested.
Pedestrians should be careful, as sidewalks can be extremely congested and uneven.