If you are extremely drowsy after using this medication, consult your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
May make you extremely drowsy and caused a severe headache if no pain killers were taken.
Physicians in New York, Portland, Ore., and Richmond described in interviews a total of a dozen cases of babies and toddlers who had seizures or became extremely drowsy and unable to stand up after inhaling smoke from crack that others were using in their homes.
Over-the-counter antihistamines that contain diphenhydramine may make people extremely drowsy.
Wallace told St. John he saved up his medication for a hearing so he would be extremely drowsy in the courtroom.
Comment: My 84 year-0ld dad skiped 2 doses of Comtan because of his doc was trying new meds on him... He suddenly became very rigid and immoblized, cnofused and extremely drowsy.
Alcohol can cause your neurotransmitters to relay information too slowly, so you feel extremely drowsy.
Have you been dizzy, extremely drowsy, or had any cramping, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, or rectal bleeding?