"Extremely fair," Woods said when asked for his assessment.
The settlement was extremely fair and is a binding agreement.
He described both men as "extremely fair in encouraging different points of view, and the analytic process worked very well."
"The contract is extremely fair to the work force, while at the same time preserves this city's need to grow," he said.
People with extremely fair skin or severe reactions to sunlight should never use such booths, the report said.
People cooperate with reporters for their own reasons, and I think the piece was extremely fair, even sympathetic in the end.
But again, I think the piece is extremely fair and even sympathetic if you read the whole thing.
In stark contrast to William's dark looks, James was extremely fair like his sister.
I am very grateful to members of the other groups for their cooperation, which has been extremely fair and thoroughly accommodating.
With her extremely fair complexion, of course, that was not surprising.