The facade is 40 cm thick and made of an extremely fluid concrete.
They're working in real time with an extremely fluid and volatile data situation.
Top Hunter, released in 1994 featured extremely fluid and crisp graphics, such as the trees on the wind stage of the game.
The flow of space is extremely fluid and inter-penetrating.
The budget talks come at an extremely fluid time on both sides of the aisle.
Yet most sequences emphasized an extremely fluid modern-dance technique.
But when one dealt with a computer and with Donnerson micro-memory-tubes, the past was an extremely fluid entity.
This portion of the game play was extremely fluid and there were no delays or slow-downs.
The political situation was extremely fluid and the boundaries of the various emirates and sultanates tended to disappear quickly.
Though society has constructed behaviors and rules meant to define each gender, some people find gender to be an extremely fluid construct.