This year, the family vacationed at Yellowstone National Park, a trip that he says was extremely frugal.
Um I guess the thing I remember most about my grandmother's personality is that she was extremely frugal.
They may remember reaching their own independence earlier in life, and how their parents had gone through the Great Depression and were extremely frugal.
The canon of parsimony says that we should be extremely frugal in developing or choosing between theories by steering away from unnecessary concepts.
This situation led to the ongoing perception that its inhabitants are very rational, clever, and extremely frugal, even greedy.
If you are going to buy a car today make sure it is electric or extremely frugal.
A civil servant who is extremely frugal with the government's money, suddenly inherits a large fortune and becomes a spendthrift.
Instead, he had an extremely frugal lifestyle.
The previous model Fiesta still goes well, handles tidily and is extremely frugal.
Catherine was considered extremely frugal and thrifty, and she actively supported her husband.