Her daily life is extremely hectic, as she finds a balance between high school, running, romance, sports, and parental pressure while realizing her own priorities.
(Scott) 'CRASH' (R, 107 minutes) A gaggle of Los Angeles residents from various economic and ethnic backgrounds collides, sometimes literally, within an extremely hectic 36 hours.
Indeed, investment bankers said that after an extremely hectic few weeks, the corporate appetite for floating new debt in 1990 had probably been satisfied.
Writing and recording of the album was extremely hectic and disorganized, with several of the songs written and/or played by people other than those who were credited for them.
The life at SJMSOM is extremely hectic and demanding.
The debates on the second reading of the budget were extremely hectic, but they are actually relatively calm this time.
My day-to-day work is extremely hectic with all the things I'm involved in.
"Life has been extremely hectic," he said.