The arrangements are extremely ingenious and, though artificial, can be quite edifying, poetic and beautiful.
Unfortunately, the designers of this weapon appear to have been extremely ingenious.
But this extremely ingenious theory would at most explain only the mystic word "Abracadabra", whose connection with Abrasax is by no means certain.
Thousands of such proofs were attempted, many extremely ingenious, but all of them were later found fallacious.
The stops that the pallets rest against are extremely ingenious.
"I await your further explanation of this extremely ingenious trickery."
There is also the extremely ingenious invention of the hodograph.
That is an extremely ingenious question.
An assassin's clients were invariably rich enough to pay for extremely ingenious protection, up to and including hiring assassins of his own*.
The idea, he wrote, was "extremely ingenious," but the execution "derivative and familiar, even prosaic."