The process was extremely labor-intensive and expensive though as the artist would have to prepare a separate plate for each color used.
It forces them to gather signatures for each and every race they hope to enter, an extremely labor-intensive and difficult process.
It was extremely labor-intensive to process by hand.
However, colossal heads provide proof that the elite had some control over the lower classes, as their construction would have been extremely labor-intensive.
The extremely labor-intensive project (essentially a crude type of cel animation) generated significant interest among the music video production community.
Early farming was extremely labor-intensive and relied heavily on human and horse-power.
This approach is extremely labor-intensive and failure-prone, which the security companies love because it keeps them in business.
At the same time these ingredients are extremely labor-intensive to prepare.
Plumbing the particulars of Trump's business dealings turned out to be extremely labor-intensive.
This process is extremely labor-intensive, requiring both firefighters and support personnel.