Some ore was so intermixed with gangue however, that the concentration by hand was extremely laborious and the mill must have been needed for a long time.
With 400 different compounds to examine, it's an extremely laborious process.
It is recognised, however, that this would be an extremely laborious task and unlikely to be fulfilled.
Each layer is laid down and then grilled separately, making the creation of a kueh lapis an extremely laborious and time-consuming process.
Producing a stop-motion animation using clay is extremely laborious.
But this is a difficult undertaking and the re-ascent extremely laborious.
This roasting and grinding process is extremely laborious and if done by hand, takes at least a day.
These tape-recorded electronic works could be extremely laborious and time-consuming to create-according to the 1967 Moog 900 Series demonstration record, such recordings could have as many as eight edits per inch of tape.
He was a master of carbro printing, an extremely laborious photo process.
Naturally, she has no difficulty in understanding the spoken word; but, you see, to transmit Chinese by the sign language used by the dumb is extremely laborious.