Under Rudenstine's extremely lavish care, Harvard had assembled far and away the most distinguished Afro-American studies department in the country.
He spent more than $10,000 on the structure, which was considered an extremely lavish amount at the time.
The temples were often created to appear extremely lavish and extravagant on the outside of the temples.
"He was using it in a variety of ways to support an extremely lavish personal lifestyle," Mr. Carlin added.
Said to have had gold leaf on the roofing tiles, the Jurakudai was extremely lavish.
A newly constructed turreted building, meant to look like Windsor castle, the hotel had extremely lavish decorations such as mirrors that were made of diamond dust.
Some people, however, arrange extremely lavish picnics with pavilions, white tablecloths, silver candelabras, classical music and extravagant food.
The film had an extremely lavish London premiere which Nimmi attended.
They have an extremely lavish lifestyle - for instance, do you know what it costs to charter the Jonquil?
The manuscript is decorated on an extremely lavish scale, and is generally accepted as the masterpiece of late Anglo-Saxon illumination, and of the Winchester style.