Despite any eccentricities on his part, Sid is extremely perceptive and sincerely cares for the well-being of his coworkers.
Charon always does things by the book and is extremely perceptive, despite the fact that his king always manages to sneak away undetected until it is too late.
The boy possessed an extremely perceptive mind; more unusual, he had a well-developed capacity for receiving telepathic communications.
You are extremely perceptive and are not afraid to speak the truth to your superior.
And she'd said that Johnny was extremely perceptive, which he'd already discovered.
An extremely perceptive judge of human nature, and a great exponent of chess.
You are an extremely perceptive man, and if you'd ever heard the two of them in the pulpit, you'd sense the difference instantly.
He had already realized that this was an extremely perceptive boy, not so different from Cuthbert, or even Jamie.
"I find Jaxom's comments on Aivas's mandates extremely perceptive."
Mr Pradier's report is extremely perceptive in this respect.