Instead, they are hired because they fulfill certain needs and because - get this - they are extremely qualified.
In many ways in all ways Shelby felt as if she were not only extremely qualified for command, but more qualified than Calhoun.
Beginning Fall 2010 cycle, both campuses decided to accept extremely qualified out of state applicants with a cap of 25% of the incoming class.
No one knew what their background was, only that they were extremely qualified.
She's extremely qualified ... and extremely anxious to leave England.
"The application was very impressive Dr. Mullarkey is extremely well qualified, with a range of experience and excellent references."
While that may make his independence a concern for investors, Mr. Swanson is extremely qualified to be a director at the grain giant.
"We could not have entrusted this to a more competent commander who is extremely well qualified to do it," Mr. O'Keefe said.
But he said he supported the nomination and that Mr. Gates was "extremely qualified and has tremendous experience in the intelligence community."
He's extremely well qualified to lead a really fine team of executives.