It was an extremely rewarding experience.
"Being of benefit, helping strengthen other lives is extremely rewarding," she said.
Duties are mostly outdoor in nature, our crew is highly motivated, and the work is extremely rewarding!
Sounds like an intense - and extremely rewarding - professional endeavor.
Instead of being depressing, the dentists said, the work is extremely rewarding because a positive identification brings comfort to the family of the victims.
Don't let us put you off having a go at breastfeeding; it can be an extremely rewarding and satisfying experience for both mother and baby.
My career has been extremely rewarding, and having the opportunity to work with exceptional women throughout it is a big part of that reward.
I would just like to add that it was a great pleasure working with the team of Portuguese ministers, as well as an extremely rewarding experience.
Mr President, the report on the 1996 budget exercise is extremely rewarding, as were the previous years' reports.
"Originally, I thought it would close after two or three months," she said, adding, "It's been extremely rewarding and inspiring."