The baths were an extremely short-lived venture, opening in late February 1863 and closing by December of that year.
This first period of independence was extremely short-lived, as the German troops entered Tallinn on the following day.
Nitrosyl iodide can form but is an extremely short-lived species and tends to reform I.
The industry was extremely short-lived, however, and gave way to various forms of ranching.
It is no longer interested in the extremely short-lived natives of any planet.
The kind of economic benefit some people want to get out of it would be extremely short-lived.
This novel was the inspiration for an extremely short-lived television series of the same name.
The Cambodian people's joy that the war was finally over was extremely short-lived.
What's the point of making extremely short-lived elements like these?
Newer pesticides, developed commercially over the last few years, are highly specific and extremely short-lived.