Poppy was extremely short-sighted, hated her glasses and was never comfortable with them, but hated more the idea of contact lenses.
Unfortunately for her, she had lost her glasses in the scuffle, and as she was extremely short-sighted she was really helpless without them.
This decision is frankly wrong and extremely short-sighted".
"It would be extremely short-sighted to respond to these outstanding reductions in violent crime by taking away the very tools we have used so effectively to make our communities safer."
Representative Vernon J. Ehlers, Republican of Michigan, said the cut was "extremely short-sighted" and showed "dangerous disregard for our nation's future."
This is an extremely short-sighted attitude, and those countries, governments, societies and companies that subscribe to it are boosting Euroscepticism in Europe.
That is extremely short-sighted and in any event a missed opportunity for the EU's future.
This type of approach is extremely short-sighted.
Bears are extremely short-sighted creatures, which means they live mainly in a world of scent and sound.
Dismissing this by saying people are crying wolf is extremely short-sighted.