The Taedonggang beer is extremely tasty and a little bit bitter than chiness beers.
Grilled lobster has unfortunately disappeared from the menu, but it was exceptionally tender and extremely tasty.
"I've found something extremely tasty," he told the colleague.
This makes his pies and confections extremely tasty.
Every dish we sampled turned out to be extremely tasty.
Also built on a lovely broth base was so myun, an extremely tasty noodle dish.
Surprisingly, many of them are simple and affordable as well as extremely tasty.
Pork chops in a cabernet-fig glaze were extremely tasty but a tad dry.
Most are $2.29 to $5.99 a pound, and yield extremely tasty results.
At the next two or three nights' stops, we feasted on the rather chewy but extremely tasty cat meat.