His music is deep and tense and stubborn and extremely tender; his talk too, which comes in complete paragraphs, is full of these tempers.
Everyone was extremely tense and our trigger fingers never left their correct positions.
Thomas Dunne was extremely tense and red-faced.
Walking back to the theatre that night, Noreen was extremely tense and said little.
But no, he had not been calm, she recognised with hindsight; in fact, he had been extremely tense and on edge.
It was an extremely tense and dangerous courtship and did not get an enthusiastic response from the Soviet authorities.
Securities lawyers say a split board would be extremely tense and unusual.
Cynthia smiled and said to Moore, "Mr. Brenner is extremely tense and tired."
First that "the political situation in Denmark remained extremely tense" and second that Louis continued to interfere in Danish affairs.
They looked extremely tense and uncomfortable.