"These are extremely unpredictable times we're moving into, financially and programatically," he said.
Reinhardt was known by his band, fans, and managers to be extremely unpredictable.
When trouble breaks out, fear and contagion effects are extremely unpredictable.
Because of the uncertainty involved in using wild yeast, the sour beer brewing process is extremely unpredictable.
"The financial compensations for products of the vine are extremely unpredictable."
In addition to having a steep road race course, Mount Washington is home to extremely unpredictable weather.
"After his father is buried," he added, "the situation risks becoming extremely unpredictable."
The weapons can produce actual tears in subspace, and are extremely unpredictable.
This has led to the results of Managed Realignment schemes being extremely unpredictable.
This track, though not an arduous walk, needs to be treated with care, as the weather around Flagstaff can be extremely unpredictable.