It still possessed the modeling clay firmness, but reason told him it must really be a fluid, albeit an extremely viscous one.
Most humans did not realize that glass was not a solid object, but rather an extremely viscous liquid.
Most silicic lava flows are extremely viscous, and typically fragment as they extrude, producing blocky autobreccias.
They were presumably formed by extremely viscous lava pouring out of volcanic vents.
He has widely used applied mathematics to model mountain building, proving that they behave as extremely viscous fluids.
Extrudable explosives are an extremely viscous liquid, similar in properties to silicone based caulking materials used in construction.
The pitcher fluid of N. jacquelineae is extremely viscous and coats the pitcher walls.
The extremely viscous oil contained in oil sands deposits is commonly referred to as bitumen.
The rainwater that accumulates in them is lost, but the extremely viscous fluid, together with the laterally appressed walls, ensure that the contents is retained.
Extra heavy oils are extremely viscous, with a consistency ranging from that of heavy molasses to a solid at room temperature.