However considering the small memory sizes of machines of the day, this technique was considered extremely wasteful.
Since this seems a prodigal action, extremely wasteful of motion and material, a caution must be voiced.
When the bank was high, as it was here, it was also an extremely wasteful method of collecting water.
Consider your climate: temperate-zone plantings in the desert are both extremely wasteful and costly to the environment.
This is not only extremely dangerous, it is extremely wasteful.
Mrs. Wiernik, the tour guide, pointed out products, most of them designed for quick cooking, that she considers extremely wasteful.
"It's extremely wasteful to put a 200-horsepower engine in a car when you only need 40 horsepower most of the time."
Irrigation is extremely wasteful of water because the distribution infrastructure is old and poorly maintained.
In the first episode he becomes aware of the very stupid and extremely wasteful race called Zwas.
After all, it seems extremely wasteful.