I am already aware of some of your extremely worthwhile efforts and send my best regards to all those involved with the Association and wish you every success in the future.
According to Minister for Transport Keith Brown, the numbers "show that it was an extremely worthwhile investment".
As it is, the project is extremely worthwhile but limited.
The hours are rather long but the food and drink are extremely worthwhile.
"The procedure is painful," Sedge explained, "but proved extremely worthwhile."
Research for cancer prevention and cure is extremely worthwhile, but we must not forget that millions of people are living with the disease.
I particularly welcome this and I believe that the efforts we made to draw a distinction between the two definitions of harassment were extremely worthwhile.
(SV) Mr President, I believe it would be extremely worthwhile for the EU to start an inter-faith dialogue from the highest level.
Despite the very real barriers which still prevent the effective use of resources, my recent visit to Romania showed me very clearly that such programmes are extremely worthwhile and beneficial.
It's extremely worthwhile.