Harry was very quiet and reserved, which sharply contrasted with Edward's extroverted and confrontational personality.
Yet despite this apparently extroverted personality, Lange would remain something of an enigma to herself, and this inner mystery was to be the source of her creativity.
This was due largely to his unorthodox playing style, and for his highly extroverted personality.
The 19-year-old Jackson is quite a character, having inherited her mother's extroverted personality and her father's athleticism.
-to doubt that those in charge can also see the merit of a more extroverted personality than mine when the task involves leading others into battle.
Can the extroverted personality be any clearer?
She is a lively character whose extroverted personality hides her own grief from the loss of her mother to cancer at the age of ten.
A fascination with gigantic scale and themes of heroic nationalism suited his extroverted personality.
A downside to Mr. Bradlee's extroverted personality is also present in these pages.
Fevola's unkempt dreadlocks and extroverted personality in the media earned him the nickname "The Shag" by fans.