God,' he whispered, 'the eyes of man cannot bear to look directly at the sun, for they are blinded.
Above the burning horizon lifted something no larger than a star, but so brilliant that the eye could not bear to look upon it.
The man on the floor managed to turn his head around far enough to bring one eye to bear on Roark.
As soon as his eyes could bear the light he went home, but fainted on the threshold.
The first foot turned inward, its eye bearing on him.
His eyes could only bear it for a second or so, and when he turned away the rest of the cavern seemed dark.
Kelly's eyes bear the scars of a rough life in sports.
The enormous head turned, one eye bearing on her.
Our eyes could not bear the sunlight now.
The queen turned, her great green eyes bearing on him, so familiar yet strange in their gentleness.