Besides skin cancer, the harmful ultraviolet radiation can cause eye cataracts.
Reducing the risk of developing eye cataracts, when high amounts of lutein are obtained from the diet.
Higher levels of ultra-violet radiation reaching the earth will also lead to annual totals of 1.6 million eye cataracts and 300,000 cases of skin cancer every century, the report predicts.
Ultraviolet radiation of a particular frequency, called UV-B, causes skin cancer and eye cataracts, and impairs the human immune system as well.
That increases the risk of skin cancer and eye cataracts, causes ill effects in crops and aquatic life and may contribute to global warming.
Such radiation can increase skin cancer and cause eye cataracts and damage to the immune systems in humans, and it can harm plant, animal and marine life.
The ozone layer screens out the sun's harmful rays and serious depletion could severely affect human health, causing more skin cancer, eye cataracts and premature aging.
Scientists fear an epidemic of skin cancer, eye cataracts and other radiation-induced diseases will result.
Increased worldwide exposure to ultraviolet radiation could result in an epidemic of skin cancer and eye cataracts.
In 1979 he had developed eye cataracts and was going blind.