Then those stunning eyes narrowed with the recognition of the desire she could not conceal.
His eyes concealed any hint that he already knew the true answer to that question.
In the light, the clear eyes concealed their burning power.
For a moment she met the Commander's eyes, and her own lambent eyes did not conceal a certain laughter.
Still half averted, and with his eyes concealed, he made unexpectedly a grunting remark.
Kimmer asked defiantly, and his eyes quickly concealed a flicker of something else.
Despite the teasing, Girard's blue eyes couldn't conceal a certain admiration.
Maybe she understood that and averted her gaze to avoid drawing others into the hell those eyes concealed.
"Big eyes," sometimes concealed behind heavy glasses, came up in an informal survey.
Those pale grey alien eyes concealed all thought, or perhaps suggested thought's total absence.