He'd yet to see her smile, but he guessed those dark brown eyes could sparkle given the right encouragement.
It processed images faster than the human eye could.
The eyes could and did open in any combination, allowing a full 360-degree view of the world.
His camera was very good, and it just might be able to read writing where his eyes could not.
I've used that eye the best way I could.
He liked names, he said, because they told him much that his ruined eyes could not.
"Samuel," she said, her gaze going all milky the way girls' eyes sometimes could, "is it that you need someone to talk to?"
The eye could sweep across acres of ground, unable to see a single recognizable thing.
Among these a cunning eye and foot could thread a wandering path.
That perceptive stare again, as though the mind saw what the eyes could not.