The long green-gold eyes, thickly fringed by their golden lashes, watched the door.
Her mouth was tight set in a peevish purse and her eyes, fringed by long lashes, were green and glittered with malice.
Her eyes, fringed by thick showgirl lashes, look incongruously vulnerable.
Her deep blue eyes, fringed by thick, soft lashes, gazed helplessly up at him, still wide with despairing defiance.
She stared at him, wide, unblinking eyes fringed by rich dark lashes.
He had pale blond hair and slate-colored eyes fringed by spiky black lashes, and he glowed with unflinching life and vitality.
He looked down to be trapped by enormous gold-brown eyes fringed by outrageous lashes.
Her milky skin was touched with roses, her large eyes fringed by tawny lashes, and there was no sign of cosmetics that Beth could detect.
It wasn't even the exotic golden eyes fringed by thick black lashes beneath slanted brows.
It also appears to lack unforgettable characters like the elephantine Mr. Snuffleupagos, with his wet eyes fringed by lashes like marabou fronds and an unbearably pink mouth, and, more serious, Sam the Eagle.