There may be difficulty in coordinating eye position and shaping the lens to see objects up close.
According to some, it is located in the middle of the forehead (between the eyes or third eye position) and is black, to others blue.
Additionally, a common occurrence is external strabismus, which can be thought of as opposite from the eye position found in Down syndrome.
The most popular variant uses video images from which the eye position is extracted.
The glazing was made to accommodate that the wearer changes eye position from distance viewing to reading.
Glasses are often prescribed to correct vision problems and eye position.
This keeps our vision horizontally level, irrespective of eye position in the orbit.
It relies on the infrared illumination of the pupil to track eye position with a camera.
The patient is asked to switch the eye position repeatedly between two points (usually to the left and right of the center).
The crosstalk in a typical parallax-barrier based 3D system at the best eye position might be 3%.