But he had not got used to the way she now glared at him, her eyes smouldering with resentment.
"If I could have a word, sir," she said, her eyes smouldering with resentment.
His eyes smouldered and he smote Ronin across the face.
He seemed to have thrown off his laziness now, and his eyes smouldered.
Carolan looked up: her eyes smouldered as she was remembering last night's scene with Margery.
His eyes smouldered with the sullen fires of suppressed emotions.
The grey eyes smouldered with anger, and a flush rose in her cheeks.
Her sullen mouth was full and rich - her eyes smouldered.
The black eyes were pouring through her, amused and oddly smouldering at the same time.
He blenched a little at that; but his eyes smouldered.