In the second school are those who prefer to proclaim their freedom of taste with more eye-catching designs.
With a compact, cool, and eye-catching design, the Fujifilm camera can be a great companion during your travels.
To attract people who may stop at a website for only a few seconds, your site needs an eye-catching design and interesting content.
Competition is therefore intense to offer the latest, most eye-catching designs.
In 2008 the Iberworld fleet paint scheme was changed to a much more appealing and eye-catching design.
With an eye-catching design and a high-quality stainless-steel finish, this model offers some unique features.
So yes, 'Sherlock' got it noticed, but only because it was an eye-catching design in the first place.
As one of the most eye-catching designs, Electra is often used for advertising the show.
Each piece is hand-thrown and decorated with eye-catching designs.
One doesn't have to be an architecture buff to note what makes this Queens neighborhood special: two square miles packed with eye-catching designs.