Lucas Davenport was a tall, tough, rangy man, dark complected, blue eyed, and tanned with the summer.
Ahead of him the soldiers came into view, dark - eyed men in helms of bronze, black cloaks billowing.
It was our chance to live comfortably and in peace with the white- eyed men.
"When did Shoz-Dijiji begin to fear trouble with the white- eyed men?"
They were bright eyed men and bushy tailed, and they took over.
The outlaws had continued to fight until the one- eyed man showed up and then they fled without firing another shot.
During a regular visit to Kyle's apartment he finds a muscular grey eyed man caressing him.
Writhing before their eyes, the eagle became a lively eyed man in the simple robes of a druid.
Will didn't quite know what to make of this unkempt, sometimes wild- eyed man with the immense nose and gentle hands.
After school Plato met an anxious eyed young man in the woods a short distance from the schoolhouse.