Carolyn Bluelove turned her eyeless face up to his and sighed.
He wasn't squeamish about what her eyeless face might look like.
He stood quite still, while the light of Ged's approach brightened on his eyeless face.
The Myrddraal stopped as if it had never moved, its pale, eyeless face turning to him.
Eve stared at the eyeless face, felt a shudder run through her.
It hung limply, like an enormous tongue from an eyeless face.
A human centipede advanced toward him, hands full of shiny metal, while a man with an eyeless face watched from below.
And as be sat there turning a blank, eyeless face to Yarol the.
Amphitryon tried to keep out of his voice the disgust he felt in looking at the eyeless face.
You're alive, and Murphy's all right, and you don't have to look at that eyeless face anymore.