There was no eyewitness evidence, however, and most denied it.
No eyewitness evidence was produced to indicate that Suhr had actually fired the fatal shots.
"There are so few eyewitness evidence as to what happened to Glenn Miller's plane but it turns out that my uncle was one of them."
Even if this documentary evidence had been rejected, the eyewitness evidence alone was found sufficient.
After hearing further eyewitness evidence, the inquest was adjourned until 14 January.
I wish I could have had eyewitness evidence, though.
But the authorities did little to identify those responsible; eyewitness evidence was never followed up and no autopsy was performed.
"My approach is not to give up on eyewitness evidence but to make it better," Wells says.
Prosecutors say the eyewitness evidence against Mr. Monroe is overwhelming.
No eyewitness evidence was led, the Crown case was wholly circumstantial.